Company Entertainment
May 4, 2017 / October 31, 2023 by Mattracks
Mattracks, the original and #1 manufacturer of rubber track conversions, is no stranger to the Motion Picture industry. Since its “Inception” 25 years ago, Mattracks has been involved in many motion pictures, both behind the scenes and in front of the camera. In 2003, Mattracks was called on to build the base for the T1 […]
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December 3, 2015 / October 31, 2023 by Mattracks
Performance Filmworks Inc., of Oxnard, California, is a production company behind the action sequences of the latest James Bond movie Spectre, recently released worldwide. A Mattracks-equipped vehicle was used for action scenes in the movie. The company is known for filming movies in remote areas and off-road terrain and has filmed high-profile movies including The Avengers, The Fast and Furious franchise […]
October 28, 2015 / October 31, 2023 by Mattracks
Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines opened in theaters on July 2, 2003 starring Arnold Schwarzenegger in the third of the Terminator movies. If you look closely at the T-1 Battle Units you may catch a glimpse of the track drive systems build at Mattracks. In early 2002 Stan Winston Studios, a special effects company based […]
March 2, 2015 / October 31, 2023 by Mattracks
August 10, 2010 / October 31, 2023 by Mattracks
“Inception” the latest sci-fi action movie that debuted at #1 in recent weeks starring Leonardo DiCaprio also marks the return of Mattracks to the big screen. During a sequence in the movie shot on a snowy mountain top, the characters battle it out with a heavily armed Mattracks equipped HMMWV. The Mattracks equipped H1 cruises over the […]
February 1, 2003 / October 31, 2023 by Mattracks
Mattracks rubber track conversion systems are featured in the film Taxi 3, released in France on January 29th, 2003. The film is now showing throughout Europe and was recently released in Japan. Daniel, a taxi driver and one of the central characters in the movie, comes to the aid of the police in his heavily modified Peugeot […]